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Flat Series-GBR Type

Keywords : GBR

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Tel: +86-755-26403180
Details Description

Key features and benefits:

1. Advanced grinding machine to guarantee the superior needle.

2. Plastic handle, with blade-shaped needle tip without guide tube.

3. Sterile, disposable single use needle.


What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is more commonly associated with myofascial pain or dysfunction and can be administered by a range of health professionals including specifically-trained physiotherapists and naturopaths. Dry Needles are inserted into 'trigger points' and the therapy is extremely effective in relieving tension pertaining to a range of musculoskeletal injuries. Trigger points are points in a band of muscle that produce pain when pressed. Having a registered practitioner insert a dry needle into these points can assist in relieving the pain in the area.